Friday, September 4, 2009

new dainty drop earrings... win a set!

These sweet little earrings were made to match the dainty drops necklace! Together they make the perfect set!

dainty drop earrings

At just 3/4", they are a perfect splash of sparkle and color for casual wear or dress up! Available in any birthstone color.

Tessa wanted a pair, she picked pink crystals (of course!)

let's give a set (necklace AND matching earrings!!!) away!

Just leave us a comment and you're entered, a random winner will be picked :)

Have a FuN fRiDaY!


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Bethany said...

Is today my lucky day?? Crossing my fingers!
Love the shots of Tessa...if only my husband would let me pierce Gentry's ears!! :)

Rach Fairchild said...

Beautiful!!! I love all your stuff though!

Joli said...

Adorable earings!!!! And a super cute model!!!

I love that you keep coming up with more cute stuff!

A Lilly Loving Mommy said...

Love the matching set and would love to win one!

Your jewelry is just wonderful!

Unknown said...

I recently ordered the circle of love necklace and I LOVE it. I am a huge fan of your work.

sheri said...

what more can be are amazing;)

Celeste said...

So cute! :)

Happy Friday!

Beverly Lynn said...

Oooooo, How adorable! And Tessa looks great in pink!

Deals, Steals and Heels said...

so adorable, i love these!!

Meli (Jam Clothing) said...

Happy Friday Erin!!!! I love the set. :)

Meli (Jam Clothing) said...

Happy Friday Erin!!!! I love the set. :)

Rebecca said...

What better way to start out this fabulous long weekend with some adorable jewelry? Love, love, love your stuff...and your story!

deb haas said...

Just beautiful - my daughter would be in heaven.

Sydney said...

These are going to make someone very happy, I won't lie, I hope it's me :) So pretty.

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!

Bern said...

Gorgeous... can I win, please, please, please???

amy h said...

I love these earrings and necklace!! They are so cute

way outnumbered said...

Those are gorgeous...what a great idea to make a set! My little girl would definitely choose the pink ones too...if only she had "holes"...daddy said no piercings til she's 7!

Michele said...

I LOVE your jewelry. Trying to talk the husband into my need for a new necklace!

Unknown said...

Love your jewelry!!

Jennie W. said...

Happy Friday! I would LOVE to win a set. Thanks for offering this up. Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Love your website.

momof3 said...

Love the necklace and earrings. Keeping my fingers crossed:)

Lauren said...

I'd pick the pink too - gorgeous!

Sheena said...


Dassupdate said...

could it be my lucky day? I hope so! Beautiful!

missy said...

your stuff is beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

I love your designs! My best friend bought me a necklace for my birthday and my Mom ordered a necklace for herself as soon as she saw mine! :) Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

What a treat it would be to win one of your beautiful creations! Thanks for the chance...Abby:)

Nina said...

Yes please! Simply gorgeous!

Heather said...

Oh happy happy happy day! I'd love to win this fabulous prize! I'd like some with my two boys birthstones...peridot and blue zircon.


Kelly | Fabulous K said...

So lovely! I'd love a pair. Happy Friday!

Zingo Tots said...

What an adorable set. I found your blog on and lOVE it!
I actually sent a link to my husband with one of your necklaces and told him, HINT...HINT...CHRISTMAS!
Love your blog, love your jewelry! Thanks for the opportunity to WIN!

Carrie said...

Oh, how lovely. I just recently found your site and blog and I love it all! Thanks for a great giveaway.

Edna said...

You make such beautiful things!

Inksstillwet said...

Beautiful, as always!! Maybe I'll share the earrings with my daughter. Maybe! :)

HandbagsbyJen said...

I would love these for my 4 year old who just got her ears pierced. They are adorable!

Jennifer said...

I love your stuff, simple, feminine and beautiful!

LoriLou said...

Love, love, LOVE your gorgeous jewelry. Saving up to buy the circle necklace. Tessa's smile says it all!

Anonymous said...

Hoping today is my lucky day!! :)

I love all our creations!!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Absolutely adorable! And I'm talking more about Tessa than the earrings...but the earrings are absolutely fabulous!! I'd so love to win a set. =)

angela said...

so sweet and dainty! You make the best stuff!

Hope Wilcox said...

So cute! I love them!

Peppy said...

I love your jewelry! Have a great wonderful Friday and weekend, everyone!

Nga said...

so cute! sweet and simple!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful!

Thank you for the generous give away!

Carla said...

Love the earrings! So cute!

Leanne said...

These are so pretty! And my daughter's favorite color is pink, too--everything has to be pink!! I think the princesses have something to do with that!

Melissa said...

Love the earrings! Love the necklace. I would love to get this for my twin sister and her baby girl. Would be a good christmas gift...

Jerms said...

Just found your site and LOVE IT!!!! Love the jewelry! And would (of course) love to win the giveaway!

Shannon & Summer said...

I just discovered your blog and I think it is the greatest! I am crazing just about everything on your site!

rhonda said...

How fun is this set? LOVE THEM (and the cute model)! :)

Julie said...

Those are beautiful! I would love to be entered!

Cap Creations said...

Very nice! Tessa is a cutie in her earrings! Thanks for a chance to win!

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Oh Erin how cute!! It would make my day (and week and month) to win. I love all your stuff- I think you know that by now. ;) Happy Friday.

Tina W. (TeaDub) said...

Love the set...too cute!

DarleneS said...

You have the most fabulous jewelry! ***hope I'm picked!***

blessed2 said...

Love your jewelry! It is so unique!

Sumo @ Sumo's Sweet Stuff said...

Beautiful set! Thanks for the giveaway.

slechr said...

I love Tessa's little cute!!
And, of course, the necklace and earrings :)

Nicole-Lynn said...

How adorable. If I won I would love to gift these to my sister who turns 12 in December! She would just love these!

Tiffany said...

How pretty! I love the clear ones!

Rachel said...

These are so cute and fun! I can't wait to get me free set! :)

TL said...

I just discovered your blog through Meg at Whatever and I am so happy I did! Your stuff is amazing!

Jamie said...

I love these. Pick me. Pick me.

Amanda said...

Oooh this IS a Fun Friday! Love the splash of color of those dainty drops!

SM Anderson said...

Okay. Loved the necklace when you introduced it but love it even more with matching earrings. Trying to figure out how to convince my hubby that I need it if I don't win it considering I had him buy me one of your necklace for Mother's Day. HMMMM. Thanks for yet again another contest. Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Joy said...

Big admirer of your art!

Rachel said...

Oooo, they're lovely. I don't know if I'm allowed to join this competition though, I live in Scotland, UK??

Jennifer said...

Cute earrings! And I love them with the necklace. I hope I win!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my cuteness, I want to win!

Susan said...

What a generous give-away! I'd love to be the lucky winner!

The Lord Family said...

Oh, I love these! So beautiful!

Sara said...

Cute Cute!! I've been stuck in a "stud" rut and those earrings are darling!

Kelly Mo said...

Just lovely!

Marci said...

What a generous giveaway! I'd LOVE these together!

Jessica said...

this may be the best giveaway yet! love the set...i would love to wear it!

Erica said...

I just love these! They are simply adorable. I admire all of your beautiful jewelry.

Such a sweet little girl!

lorier said...

Love your jewellery.....I am putting it on my Christmas list.

vanessa said...

How cute, crossing my fingers!

Karen said...

These are so cute. I love your jewelery!

Candice @ Made With Love said...

What a wonderful Friday this is turning out to be...thank you for this opportunity! I'll never turn down a little splash of color! :)

Mrs.G said...

love the earrings, Tessa is adorable with her pretty pink pair!!

Melissa G said...

I love your jewelry too! Your little girl looks so precious with those earrings!

Have a great labor day weekend!

Trish said...

I love all your stuff! These are gorgeous and just the perfect amount of color.
Hope I win! ;)

Anonymous said...

These earrings would be adorable on my daughter and I have been eyeing that necklace!! Thanks for the contest!

Julia said...

These are so gorgeous! I hope I'm lucky enough to be the winner!

Kristofer said...

LOVE the new earrings . . . oh heck, I LOVE all of your stuff! You are so very talented! Thanks for the chance to win!

Johansen Family said...

I hope I win! I love your site and everything on it! Happy friday!

Pink Slippers said...

I just ordered from you the other day. You have so many cute things I must buy. Budget,budget though. I posted about your store yesterday on my blog. I sure have my fingers crossed for this give away though.

April Johnston said...

I just ordered my mom a necklace with all 8 of her children, for her 70th birthday. But i want my own. So choose me, choose me, choose me, choose me. LOL. I love your talent. Thanks.......april

Jessica said...

These are very delicate and pretty! Love them! Your daughter is very cute and stylish modeling!

Jenna said...

adorable! i could use something sparkly on my ears! :)

Jeannine said...

what a great giveaway I hope I'm the lucky winner

Judy said...

beautiful work. Love it!

kim said...

Fantastic Set!! As usual!! :)

Gorby family blog said...

Your things are so beautiful! I love them!

Julie L. said...

beautiful as always--please pick me! ;)

April Johnston said...

I just ordered my mom one of your necklaces with all 8 children, for her 70th birthday. But I want my own. ChOoSe Me, ChOoSe Me, ChOoSe Me, ChOoSe Me, ChOoSe Me, ChOoSe Me. LOL. I love your talent. THaNkS...........april

April Johnston said...

ok, i have pressed enter 3 times. So sorry if you get this more than once.

April Johnston said...

OOPs just realized that at the top it says you have to approve the post. So SOOOORRRRRY. You don't have to post all 4 post from me. Sorry.......april

Terra said...

Oh super cute! Love them and hope to win them! :) Happy Friday!

Solstice Mama said...

Your jewelery is beautiful!! And your model is gorgeous as well! Thank you for the chance to win!

J said...

Super cute earrings and Tessa!

Allison S said...

Oh, so sweet!


Polka Dot Moon said...

Is the model included in the giveaway ;)

Jen said...

too cute~ love your stuff.

Anonymous said...

Those are super sweet! I adore that necklace :)


Lisa said...

Just found your these! So cute! hope I win!

Unknown said...

Perfect for dainty ears. I would love to win.

Melinda said...

I hope I win!

Shanna said...

LOVE this set!!! said...

so cute, Erin! Tessa looks adorable!

{cuppakim} said...

would love to win. Sorry if I posted this more than once! Happy Labor Day!

Emily said...

What a sweet treat! Those earrings (and necklace) are adorable :)

Samantha said...

Oh how cute are those?!

Tessa is so adorable, bless her heart.

Anne said...

How lovely! Fingers crossed...

Mom of Princesses said...

Super cute!

Jaclyn said...

I was just directed to your site yesterday from Meg at Whatever. I love your jewelry! I will be ordering a necklace soon :)

Katie said...

Those are the sweetest earrings! I just stumbled on your blog a couple of days ago & I love it!

rachel said...

i LOVE all your jewelry!

Kyla Armstrong said...

They are so darling! I'd love to win!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Of course, I would love to win! I love your jewelry!

Gosfam said...

Very cute and simple, they are totally my style.

miranda said...

Put me in the drawing- I love your jewlery!

Kara said...

Love your jewelry!

Tess said...

I LOVE THESE EARRINGS! Your work is lovely and I remain a loyal VintagePearl fan.

Olivia said...

Beautiful! I'd love to win :) Count me in!

Unknown said...

so cute! love them!

Anneli said...

LOVE LOVE these earrings....

Teresa said...

The earrings are a nice touch. Love what you do!

Anneli said...

LOVE LOVE the earrings! Keeping my fingers crossed. This may be a duplicate entry as I just created a Google account....

Anonymous said...

Ok, you are too creative! This is on the top of my favorite list by you :)!!! I want to win sooo bad!! Thanks for the chance :)

candy at afconnect dot com

Gillian Gauthier said...

LOVE them!! Good job on coming up with new and fun items! Of course I'd love pink too!!

Thanks for the giveaway!
Gillian :)

Stephanie Heumann said...

Absolutely beautiful!

mamma cath said...

Can't wait to order some jewelry for my sisters! :)

Mrs. H said...

oooo... what a great idea! Thanks for your generosity of another great giveaway!!

Carey said...

gorgeous and elegant!!!

Magda said...

They are so cute!!!

LOVE your jewelry. Just ordered a necklace for my sister's bday, can't wait until she gets it!!!

Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

So pretty and simple. I love them!!
Thanks for the chance to win a pair!

Kari said...

So Fun! Thanks for the chance to get a set!!!

Heather said...

Love them!!

Mackenzie said...

Gorgeous! I would love love love to win but I can't figure out what color I like best... :)

Anonymous said...

simple elegance! love them!

Danna said...

Love all your simple, but beautiful jewelry! It's right up my alley--would LOVE to win!

Sara said...

Yes, please! so much fun! :)

Unknown said...

How dainty and lovely.

Kelly R. said...

Wow! I just love your stuff. I stumbled upon your site via nienie and I am so glad that I did!!

Catherine Chiarino said...

I love this stuff! Thanks for the great giveaway! ~Catherine

Kara said...

Love them! SO SO CUTE!!!! I never win ANYTHING....will today be my lucky DAY???? Have a great holiday weekend with your family!

UL said...

I love earrings. My favorite jewelry.

Kim said...

Oh how lovely!! And what a cute set that would be!

Tess is so adorable, she looks mightly proud of those earrings :)

Unknown said...

I discovered your site through Nie Nie's blog and just love your work! I have two little girls and would LOVE one of your necklaces!


Anonymous said...

i adore these on your necklaces, but they are just too cute as earing!! someone is going to be a lucky one :)

Unknown said...

They are adorable!

Mrs Anne said...

oh my goodness, the twinkle in these brightened my day.

Unknown said...

Please let me be lucky! I need a pick me up!

cbk said...

Beautiful model - and the earrings aren't too shabby either!! Have a great weekend.

Molly said...

So beautiful!! Love it!! Have a happy and safe weekend!!
~Molly P

Cactus Girl said...

So many beautiful things!

susan d. said...

a great start to a three day weekend! :)

Unknown said...

I just recently was introduced to your site and I cannot wait to purchase a necklace! I really want to get one for my mom because I know she would love them. Thank you for making such neat necklaces and earrings that are so cute!

Cora Anne Designs said...

Ooh, ooh, ooh! Pick me!

The Nanny said...

Oh this is awesome! Thank you!!!

Karen T. said...

Hi! I just stumbled across your blog-and your crazy talent!!! Lucky me!!! I can hardly wait until the holidays to buy for(me)and friends(me)and family(me)! Oooh why wait is what I say!!!! Thanks, Karen t.

Jesica said...

So Pretty!

Karen said...

Simple yet beautiful. I love these.

Christielulu said...

I keep trying to win one of your beautiful creations - hopefully this will be the one. My daughters will be taking out there starter earrings soon and loved the pictures of your daughter with the pretty earrings.

Renae said...

Oooooo...sooo cute. I just ordered a necklace for a friend yesterday and I hope to get something for myself very soon. I sent the link to my hubby with a...'hint hint'!!

Ashley said...

Thanks for another generous change to win some of your beautiful creations!

lulabell said...

You have such beautiful pieces. I am currently waiting for the item I ordered and am very excited to receive it! This set is gorgeous as well.

lisa said...

Oh, too cute! One of these days I will make up my mind and just order a necklace. If I can make up my mind that is!

Anonymous said...

Your jewelry is just irresistible. I should know since I am eagerly awaiting a necklace I purchased from you recently.

The earrings & necklace set is gorgeous. My fingers are triply-crossed. Is that possible?

Leigh said...

Oh I love the set! They're beautiful! I hope it's my turn to win....

annalee said...

love these dainty, darling earrings! i'm a big fan of birthstone anything too.

Emily said...

Love those! I'll take a pair...I mean, if you're giving them away! You make awesome jewelry!

Kristine said...

Aw, beautiful. I'd love a set in the June birthstone. My sweet kidergartner would love this!!

Simies said...

Hi, I am Simona and I am new here and totaly in love! You make great photos and have amazing design! I came here from Whatever. Live in Czech Republic, SAHM to 3 children. From now, I will follow your lovely blog!

windycindy said...

What an adorable model Tessa is!
I am with her, pink is fabulous.....
Many thanks, Cindi

Jenny said...

I'd love to win a set!

Lindsay said...

Gorgeous earnings and necklace!

Amanda said...

These are gorgeous! I love Tessa's look! My MacKenzie would love these!

Kim said...

Wow! you have quite the following. I hope business is as good as your blog.
Love the new earrings. Do you make your own ear wires too?

Sheyb said...

How fun! I would love to win, even though I never do. ;)

threehandprints said...


Didi said...

TGIF!!! Would love to win these! Very pretty.

RMs at the Village said...

Very cute. I love your work.

Treelanetales said...

What a cute set of earrings and a beautiful little girl. I would love this set, and then I could share it with my daughter when she is older. Thanks for another giveaway!

Deanna said...

This set is so darling! I'd be interested in a pink set, just like Tessa's. Your blog and jewelry is fab as always!

Kari said...

Stunning and classic. Love your creations thanks for the chance to win!

Becca said...

Your jewelry is beautiful, and I just love the way you photographed your little girl...she's beautiful, too!

Tiff Hunt said...

Here's to hoping that I win! I need some happiness in my life! I just love your stuff!

JenR said...

Lovely! and the earrings are pretty too! :o) Thank you for the chance to win!

Sophie And Kenna said...

Your jewelry is beautiful! Luv it. Ali Jones

Ashley said...

I really need some fun "dainty" earrings!

Christy @ MCH PHOTOGRAPHY said...

OOH Love these!! Thanks for the giveaway! Your stuff rocks

lorianne said...

My daughter saw the picture of Tessa, and now she wants to have her ears pierced! I found your blog because of Nie-Nie, and I'm looking forward to ordering my next birthday gift from my husband. Now if I could only decide which piece it will be...

Elizabeth said...

I love them!!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Dan & Stacy said...

What a cute set! I just found your website & can't wait to get something!

Amanda said...

Adorable as usual! Happy Friday! The bracelet my hubby bought from you is my favorite! Do you do custom stamped charms too?

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