Monday, May 16, 2011

weekend highlights.

Ryan and I snuck in a friday night date night,
then we all got donuts and coffee and hunted garage sales saturday morning,
played at the park (threw the aerobie a lot),
had our 2 last soccer games of the season
(tessa scored 2 goals and her team won, go Redhots!)
watched the Andy Griffith show (a new family fave),
sunday morning church then out for lunch,
Tessa and I went shopping (girl time!)
and backyard soccer games (Caleb and I beat Ryan, Tessa and Jonah!)

We are ready to start a new week... hard to believe there are just 8 1/2 days of school left!

What are some of your weekend highlights?


Mary said...

Lived through a whole week of construction on our attic, including the weekend... Made chicken fajitas yesterday for lunch to say thank you to a friend for helping us with the electrical wiring for free... Played go fish with my 2nd daughter and wrote a gratitude post on my blog :)

Jamie said...

Ooh, I love garage sales!

Our weekend was spent with our dance recitals (I'm a dance teacher) all weekend. Now that, that's over we are on Summer break!!

Sarah said...

Sounds like a great family weekend!

The Albrecht's said...

Had a great weekend hitting up a ton of garage sales with three great girl friends, ended the day with pedis from our husbands for mothers day, and the best part, coming home to my two boys!

Cozyflier said...

Finished painting my dinning room! check out pictures on my blog:

Such a relief to have that done, only took 19 years!!!

Have a great week.


Heidi Jo Comes said...

celebrated two very special girls' birthday's w/ family! our baby turned TWO and one of our older daughters turned seven. WOW! very blessed.

thechattymommy said...

Cracking up about Andy Griffith- we just saw clips of it the other day with the kids and we were laughing together- we need more shows like that.

Stephanie (schock77) said...

Love the Andy Griffith! :) Satrudqy we were slammed- 7 year old son had playoff football at 9:00 which they won so they had to play again at 11:00. Then the end of season party at Mighty Fine- which I had to organize since I'm team mom. The. My 5 year old daughter had her first ballet recital at 3:00 until about 6:00. We were all tired! I teach special need preschoolers so I needed a rest, but only two weeks left until school's out- guess I'll rest then!

Sarah-Anne said...

lots of sun, reading, and cleaning and friends!!