Monday, May 30, 2011

weekend highlights.

Spent friday night celebrating my niece's birthday with my family in OKC,
left the boys at grandpa's house and Ryan and I took the girls to a hotel for the night,
which made us realize how much EASIER just 2 kids are,
(but we missed the boys, of course!)
saturday morning we dropped Eden off with Grandpa and picked up the boys and headed to Frontier City for the day,
Sunday morning church,
last minute bar-b-q with a few friends at our house,
and back to work (from home) for me today,
and maybe off to a movie later.


LOVE this picture I took of the girls this weekend,
they were taking a quick break from jumping across the hotel beds.
I want to frame it
to remember these days of being little best friends :)

Should I frame it in color or black and white?


Anonymous said...

The colors are so vibrant, I vote color!

Mar said...

B & W. But the color is pretty cute, too...
It is an adorable picture.

pam said...

I like the black and white.

thechattymommy said...

Do both or one of those andy warhol things where there is four of them in all different colors.
I love the picture!

pam said...

I like the black and white.

Jaclyn said...

AMAZING picture! They are so darling. How could you choose? Maybe you frame one in color for their bedrooms and a black and white for somewhere else in the house? :)

Laura @ live.laugh.photograph said...

such a sweet, sweet picture!! i would go with black and white! it's both classic and timeless!

Tara said...


Sky said...

black and white! awesome picture :-)

maroon58 said...

i really like it in b&w! usually i love color but i think the color takes away from the timelessness of the photo.

Marie@Procrastinating in Pink said...

cute cute pic! I like the bw one!

Anonymous said...

Color! What an ADORABLE picture!

Noemi said...


Cute girls :)

Sophie said...

B&w was lovely!

Jenni said...

love the picture of your girls...both options are adorable, but i would go with the color!

Naomi C. said...


Naomi C. said...


Sarah-Anne said...

both are cute but be still my heart; it's the girls that make it precious!!

Karen in VT said...

They are both beautiful, but I vote B&W. Your children are adorable :)

Make It Snappy3! said...

The color is pretty, but I live the B&W one. I make this hard decision all the time of my 3 girls.

amy said...


Jennifer said...

Both are great, but the color one really pops!

Chris Bagley said...

B& classic.

nursegirl said...

black and white!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo! I love them both but black & white is always a favorite of mine. What little beauties.

Heidi Jo Comes said...

normally i'd vote B&W but the color is gorgeous. i'm w/ a previous commentor and believe you should do something artsy like four of them. you could do one full size of each, then do two smaller ones, where you zoom in on just one feature or one of the girls' faces or hands or something and do that smaller, one in color and one in b&w.

Heather said...

Black and white!

Hannah said...

Black and White

Anonymous said...

if you could photo shop the pink out of the dog, then turquoise would be the only real color left in the photo(which is your favorite, i have noticed). I think it would compliment your decor in that way.

eunice said...

For this photo, colour will be nice =)
It is so nice =)

Ronna Joseph said...

This is absolutely precious. Love there smiles and eyes.
I would make copies of both. You want to remember the color of their hair and eyes. The black and white is timeless as some have said.

Best pals!