Friday, October 22, 2010

nie nie and friends [ a giveaway! ]

Nie Nie and I are having a little fun together this weekend-
we are giving away 5 $50 gift certificates
to her readers and mine!

(If you are a new friend to this blog, WELCOME!)

Nie Nie ordered one of these necklaces with each of her families initials...

nie nie
(photo from Nie Nie)

Wanna win $50 to TVP?

Simply leave us a comment---
tell us if you are a new friend or an old friend to be entered!

Blog it, tweet it (@thevintagepearl) and facebook it for extra entries.
(please leave extra comments for each).

Thank you Nie Nie for playing along with us today!


Today we are at
the All About Me Women's Expo
in the Mabee Center
from 12-8pm,
with some new designs!
Tulsans, come say hi!


Scroll down a couple of posts for our other giveaway!

This giveaway is now CLOSED, thank you!


1 – 200 of 1890   Newer›   Newest»
Hetrick family said...

I LOVE YOUR STUFF!! I already have the necklace with 4 tags with each of my little ones names on it, but I'm just getting started!

Please please pick me!! :)

Jen said...

I am a new friend, but I love that necklace. Beautiful!

~Shari said...

Ohhh! I love your giveaways. One day I will win one. :)

I am a MEDIUM friend. I have been following TVP for about 8 months? Is that considered a a NEW or LONG TIME friend? :)

Candice Mathews said...

Hi! This is the first time I have been to your blog, but I have drooled over your products many times. :)

Rachael said...

I am new and I love your tags!

~*~ Allison ~*~ said...

I'm an 'OLD' friend of TVP! Obsessed with all things TVP ;) Only own 1 so far... quite honestly, if I was to win, I'd buy something for my best friend.

Sarah Chupp said...

It's my first time visiting your blog, but I've loved your necklaces for a long time. Beautiful!

New Leaf said...

Hi! I'm an old new follower, long time drooler. :) I follow you on Twitter but somehow neglected to follow your blog. I've fixed that now! :)

Holly Anna said...

Love that vintage silver look.
I am your fan on facebook.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Holly in Kentucky

Rebecca Maier said...

Hey Erin! I am a Nie Nie follower. I actually emailed your website to my husband this week because I really want one of your necklaces for Christmas! Have a great weekend!!!
-Rebecca Maier

New Leaf said...

Retweeted ya here:

Rebecca said...

Old to you and old to Nie Nie!

~*~ Allison ~*~ said...

Tweeted it!

Unknown said...

I'm a somewhat newish friend. My first piece came yesterday!!

Tupelo Honey said...

I am a new friend but ready NieNie daily. Thanks for helping her with this and her necklace is so sweet!

Amanda said...

I'm a new-ish friend! I LOVE looking at your neat creations and reading about your family. :)

~*~ Allison ~*~ said...

Facebooked it too!!!!

Amy said...

I passed along your website to my husband as a BIG hint of what I wanted for Christmas! Hope he listens! :)

Jenny Elizabeth said...

LOVE your stuff, I am an old friend but love reading your and Nie Nie's blog! Love her necklace.

Didi said...

I am an old fan... wish I still lived in Tulsa so I could shop at your store!!

Kaydee Embee said...

I am a new to you friend old to Nie Nie friend. She has good taste!

Amy said...

I tweeted!! :)

Anonymous said...

Old friend! I wish I had one of everything! =)

Stefenie said...

I'm a somewhere in the middle friend. If that makes any sense. LOL!! I would love to win one of these necklaces. Pick me please!!

Valley Girl said...

Funny, I have been a lurker for sometime now. This morning I sent you a letter from your vintage pearl site...regarding a certain phrase...I believe I wrote the wrong name in my heading...opps...
Then I came back and became a follower...went to visit Nie and now here I am again LOL...too much of ME huh!!
I adore your work...and will never have a piece probably but I could get lucky and win♥ I really really wanna win here....I am the 4 yr old holding up her hand to go to the bathroom...pick me, over here!!

I love Nie...she rocks!
Erin, OK you rock too♥

Tina said...

I'm a new friend. I LOVE your jewelry, esp. the dainty drops!!

Anonymous said...

Old friend. I wish I had one of everything!

Kyndal said...

Somewhat old friend who recently bought three necklaces from you and would LOVE another item or two!

The Clines said...

I'm an old friend. Love your jewelry!

Katie said...

First time here . . . love the necklace! Thanks so much for the chance, and thanks Nie Nie for the introduction!

Christi said...

I'm kinda new and Love your Love Birds necklace! Among all the other things! hehehe!

kelsey said...

i'm a new fan, but have loved this type of necklace for a while. would love to win!

Kathy said...

I'm an old friend w/ both VP & NIE NIE. I love you merchandise but have not had to the chance to buy anything yet.

chelsea said...

New friend! Love your stuff.

Charlene Juliani said...

I'm an old friend, been following your blog for some time now.

Kate Reali Photography said...

Another beautiful necklace, if I don't win I hope Mr. Claus gets me one.

golonghorns said...

I'm an old friend. Crossing my fingers, this would be such a lovely keepsake!

Danny said...

I am an old friend and I follow your blog and designs since quite some time. I would soooo love to have one of your necklaces, they are so beautiful!

I even know what I would get if I would win!

Love love LOVE your stuff!

Mruna Mistry said...

I'm an oldish friend...Love your stuff!

Chris Bagley said...

I'm an old friend. Pick me!!! :)

Mir said...

I'm a new friend, visiting from Nie's. Her necklace is beautiful! I may just need one, myself. ;)

jmhksn said...

i love your stuff, i have ordered twice already. the new initials are great.

Mariah said...

I am a new friend to you and an old friend to Nie. However, I have stalked your products for quite some time now!:) I live in KY with my beautiful family! Thanks for this wonderful opportunity!

Amy said...

I am an old friend. I get compliments on my necklace all the time. Just had a new baby though & need to get a new piece for my newest sweetheart. Love it all!

emily j said...

Old friend! Love tvp!!

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

Been waiting to have my last baby for a while so I could get something! :O)
Love your stuff!

Unknown said... reader here over from nie.nie - i love the necklace! thanks for the opportunity to win!

J said...

I am an old friend. I read your blog but I have ordered anything YET!

Jules H said...

old friend...would love love love to win a gift certificate!!!

Jensamom23 said...

What fun! I read Stephanie's blog every day and am always strengthened in some eay. I am an old follower of yours who has purchased items for others, but never myself. Beautiful items and thank you for the chance to win!

Kristy said...

I'm an old friend.

Kim said...

I adore the necklace that Stephanie is wearing!

sherna1 said...

I am a new friend, but have followed Nie Nie for some time. I love your "family" necklaces and have seen them on many people. I would love one of my own too!

cburlett said...

I'm a new friend to your blog, but an old friend to your business! And I LOVE all of your pieces! :)

Jill said...

Love my TVP necklace and can't wait to get more. I'm an old friend and a follower of nie nie also!

Darla said...

old friend!! Love your stuff!

Unknown said...

new-ish friend :) i love your creations.

Unknown said...

new-ish friend :) i love your creations.

kristi said...

I'm an old friend. Love your jewelry and I have the mother of pearl necklace with my three children's names. I adore it.

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower, but have been stalking your jewelry for a long time!

elmaelsiena said...

Oh I am an old friend!! I justlove love your necklaces!! I just bought two for baby gifts with the baby's name and birthstone and the mothers loved them!! Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway! Please enter my name in. Thanks!! Elma

Unknown said...

Been a follower on Facebook! And "shared" the giveaway!

Jill said...

Facebooked it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a old follower and I heart every piece of jewerly you have created! It's amazing!!!

Unknown said...

New follower on Twitter and I retweeted! Such an awesome giveaway! My fingers are crossed! =)

zeeny said...

I'm an old friend of VP and own one necklace...would love to add to the collection!

the hopper family said...

today was my first time looking at your blog {from nienie's}. i LOVE everything. my birthday is coming up... and christmas gifts? i think so!

love it all!

Amy said...

Tweeted it! *chirp chirp tweet tweet*

Anonymous said...

I tweeted! (dreamerklc)Yay!

Darla said...

tweeting! I would love this gift card...perfect for Christmas shopping!!

Melanie said...

I'm an old friend! I also read NieNie's blog for quite a while now too! :o)

kari ann emmons said...

beautiful necklace! i'm new to your blog but i read Nie daily with my morning coffee! I just had my second baby, a girl! Little Lyla she is precious and i would love to get a necklace with my babies names on it!

anyways, you don't have to pick me!

i just thought i would give it a try and tell Nie how much her blog has given me inspiration as a women and a mother!

nancy l. said...

I am a medium old friend. I love all things TVP, especially the vintage charms. This gift certificate would be just in time for Christmas shopping. I might have to give it to my husband and tell him to shop for me!!! Oh, wouldn't that be fun???

Heather said...

New friend, although a friend of mine has one of your necklaces and I love it...would love to get one for myself.

Ross and Jill's Blog said...

New Friend! love it

Mrs. S said...

New Friend! Love the necklace!

Darla said...

facebook'in it! Love to share the link to your site, everyone always comments on how great your necklaces are!

Kathy said...

I am new to your blog, but have been reading nie for a long time. I love your necklaces, they are soooo beautiful and simple! =)
kathy k.

kcsandpiper said...

I'm a new friend and I have been looking for a necklace like nienie's!!

kristylgarrett said...

I am a new friend who just can't decide which necklace to get.... I may have to get them all! LOVE your jewelry!

Merrily17 said...

I'm an old friend. I found TVP through a friend who was wearing a dainty drop necklace with her two daughters names. I just had to go home and purchase one with my two childrens names because I was looking for that exact necklace for so long. I'm debating on the cuff bracelet or the dainty drop bracelt for christmas, and my best friend is expecting in Febuary so it will be a dainty drop for her too. (since she admired mine the other day!)

Merrily17 said...

I'm an old friend. I found TVP through a friend who was wearing a dainty drop necklace with her two daughters names. I just had to go home and purchase one with my two childrens names because I was looking for that exact necklace for so long. I'm debating on the cuff bracelet or the dainty drop bracelt for christmas, and my best friend is expecting in Febuary so it will be a dainty drop for her too. (since she admired mine the other day!)

Unknown said...

old friend. love my necklace!

Unknown said...

facebooked too!

kati said...

You do such beautiful work. I am so glad to of found you before Christmas!

Unknown said...

Old friend. Been around quite a while, couple of years.

Emma Jo said...

Just discovered your darling the necklace! My daughters need to be around my neck! Love it!

Alpha Banners said...

I have ordered from you before, to give a baby gift to friends, but I would oh, so much love to own a VP piece for myself!

Erin said...

I'm a new friend to the blog, but I've loved TVP for a while now. Beautiful work!

Jennay said...

Sorta new-ish friend! I've been following your blog for a little while. Love your jewelry and I'm hoping to order some for gifts for Christmas!!

Celeste said...

old friend! I have been following your blog, Erin, before Eden was even born! :D

Sarah W. said...

I'm an "old" friend....been following you now for almost a year. My friend Laura Carr works for you and introduced me to your jewlery. I serve as a missionary in Botswana....which is where I met Laura many years ago! :)

Gillie said...

Old friend but have yet to purchase a necklace for myself. Have purchased two for my friends. I'm next!

Dru said...

Old all your new creations!

Shauna said...

I just saw your link on Nienie's blog. I love your design elements. Gorgeous! Please pick me. : )

Julie said...

Oh I've had so much fun ordering from you in the past (several times)... :) So, I'd love a gift certificate to do it again!

Wendy said...

You are masterful! Beautiful pieces!

Matt and Debbie said...

I'm a newbie, and I love your stuff. the_heims @

Bon said...

Nice to meet you new friend! Love the jewelery! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

sunshineyou said...

I'm an old friend and love your stuff :)

m&msmommy said...

I'm a new friend and I'd LOVE to win! :)


Crystal said...

I would love to win one of your gift certificates! I am an old friend and LOVE your work! I also LOVE Nie Nie's blog. She is such an inspiration!

plain jane said...

returning customer and love your creations :)

Kelly said...

I have been a fan and follower of both for a year now- just adore all your things- so pretty and perfect. I love them all!

shellybellylarson said...

I'm a new Vintage Pearl friend...and so excited to be..I love your necklaces. I want a one just like nienie's !! ;)

Taylor said...

I would LOVE to win a gift certificate to VP. I have loved these necklaces for awhile and although I have dropped many hints to my hubby, still haven't gotten one! Praying this is my time =)

Kimberly said...

Brand new...stumbled across this when I googled the site from the back of a Parents magazine. Super excited at the beautiful jewlery and amazingly personal Christmas gifts.

Michelle said...

I am a new friend! Love your jewelry, it's so timeless :)

Debbie said...

I guess I'm an "old" friend since I've been following you for the past year and am proud owner of one of your necklaces! I LOVE all of your stuff!

Tiffany said...

I'm not new to loving your work but I am new to following your blog. I have swooned over your work and told my hubby about it for quite some time now. He has just recently caught my drift so I know this $50 would just be the tip of what I'd be spending if I won!! Crossing fingers! Thanks!

rachel e. said...

I'm a new-ish friend. Realized once I went over to NieNie's page that I had been a follower before. Love the necklace.

The Lowry Place said...

I'm a new friend.

mommy's thoughts! said...

I am a new friend and I love your beautiful stuff, would love to win something!

Ashley said...

I am a fairly old friend. I adore all of your creations. Have been wanting to purchase a necklace (or two). Would love to win this!! :)

Paige said...

I am a first-time commenter but not a new friend, as I've been admiring your beautiful creations from afar for years... :-)


Michelle said...

New friend! Love your jewelry, it's so timeless :)

Jennie said...

I'm a new friend, but would love a necklace like NieNie's!

Jenni said...

Old friend! I love that necklace that Nie Nie has on and would order the exact same one!

Mandy England said...

I started blogging in January, and I have been following you since the beginning... I don't know if you'd consider that an "old friend" but you're one of the oldest that I have :]

emily anderson said...

i'm an oldie but a goodie :)

bekks said...

I love all your creations. I currently sport one of your necklaces daily, and would love to have another!!

Beverly said...

I'm a new friend. Love the vintage tags.

Mandy England said...

I tweeted!

Christy @ MCH PHOTOGRAPHY said...

An old friend, I have been following your blog for awhile.

Kirsty said...

Old faithful here! I love my VP pieces :)

Jenny, Leo and Marcy said...

I am a new friend, but I think I am now a friend for live. I promise that I just forwarded a link to my best friend's husband bc her birthday is coming up. :)
Thank you so much for the chance to win.

S Club Mama said...

I'm a fairly new friend but love following.

Shana said...

I am a relatively new friend...but I've been around long enough to know that i LOVE your stuff!

Biz said...

Hmmm...I am a medium friend! I have been following you for about a month, but I don't think that's old enough to be considered old....or new enough to be considered new :D I love love love your jewelry!

jade said...

My husband got me a TVP necklace last Christmas and I get so many compliments on it! We have recently adopted from Uganda and I would love love love to get a charm with his name on it! Have been lurking your blog for a while and I LOVE it!

Mandy England said...

I facebooked it:

Alecia said...

Old friend. I own one of your beautiful necklaces already and get comments on it every time I wear it!

S Club Mama said...

I tweeted (

Mel B. said...

Old to you and nienie

Will Murdoch said...

I'm new and LOVE the necklace!

EGP said...

I love my VP necklace. As of right now I can't wear it becuse the chain broke, but I am looking for a replacement chain so I can get it back on my neck ASAP. So, I suppose I am an old friend

sara and gailon said...

i am an old friend...i LoVe your work and get many compliments on my necklace. thanks!

Delirious said...

I am a new friend to you, and an older friend to Nie. :) I love this necklace!

Wendy said...

I'm a 1 year old friend :) (in a 34 year olds body ~ HA!)

Unknown said...

I'm a new friend!

Unknown said...

Love, love, love your really hoping for one for my anniversary this year!

Sarah said...

What a great necklace! I am a new friend :)

The Brunner Circus said...

I am an old friend :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway- Please enter me- what an adorable necklace!

Erikka said...

i am a new friend and LOVE your products! please pick me :)

Megan said...

Love love your designs. I am a new friend to your blog but have looked at your designs before through Nie's blog....and may have showed my husband on more then a few occasions as a little hint hint nudge nudge... :)

The Brunner Circus said...

I also tweeted :) Happy Friday!

Deanna said...

I am new to your blog, but have looked at your jewelry several times...beautiful stuff!

Jaymerz said...

I have admired your jewelry on other blogs but I am a new friend to your blog.

Courtney said...

i've been your friend for about 7 months :o)
i ordered my first piece of jewelry after my daughter was born. my friend is expecting her first child after trying for quite some time and i would love to bless her with one of your pieces.
thank you!

Ali said...

New Friend!

Unknown said...

I'm an old friend! I've already placed three separate orders for TVP merchandise. I love it all!

Jenn Ruggles said...

I'm a new friend!

As Lovers Go said...

I love your stuff :) I'm a new friend

Erica said...

I am a new/old friend! I have been following your blog for about a year now. Love all of your pieces!

emiwatty said...

I'm a new friend thanks to the Pioneer Woman's blog! I already picked out something for my birthday and emailed it to my husband.

Jenn Ruggles said...

tweeted it!

burlap+blue said...

Old friend (of you both)...what a fun way to start the weekend!!

Brookfield said...

I am a new friend and love your designs. I also loved your rockin' out post since my son just discovered his shadow yesterday!

Jenn Ruggles said...

facebooked it!

julie said...

from an old friend, please, please, please, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!!!

heidikeiko said...

I lalala love your work. You are so creative, detailed and lovely :)
I can't wait to order some for the holidays!

Amber said...

I am an old friend to Nie and TVP... and LOVE both!! Thanks to Nie, I now have a Vintage Pearl addiction!!

Emily said...

I have seen the cuteness of your stuff on Nie's blog, but this is my first visit to yours. Would love to pick out something fun, guilt free!

Musings Of A Gem said...

Hi TVP!!!

I'm not sure what I am...I only discovered you a few months I guess i'm quite NEW!!!

Love you all!!

Gemma x

Jenn Ruggles said...

Blogged it

Kellie said...

Hi there! Love your stuff and would be totally thrilled to win! TGIF!

Shannon said...

I'm a new friend. Absolutely love your website!!

Jus and Kat said...

I am an "old" friend, I guess. But not old at all! :P

heidikeiko said...

I just posted your giveaway on my blog! I already know of a few friends that have ordered from VP and love their special gift. My birthday is coming up and I will surely be ordering another necklace. Thank you!!


Mama Musings said...

New friend, though I have loved your work for quite some time. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sort of a new friend :-) Been following your blog for about 2 months now & I just love it :-)

Sarah said...

I won't call myself "old," so let's just say I've been loving you for a while now. :-)

valerie said...

I love love love your beautiful creations! I'm new to this blog, but have been reading NieNie for a few years. I would love to own a necklace! :)

Chris said...

Wow! I love everything! What a wonderful thing to do , have a giveaway! You create so do create beautiful family heirlooms. Keeping my fingers crossed! Thank you!

Sarah said...

I always love your items, but with a new baby arriving in December, we would love some new family jewelry!!

Mel said...

I am a new friend but I just absolutely love the necklace. I found you off of NieNie's blog. LOVE IT!

Toni said...

I'm a semi-new friend. I've been following for a few months now. I would love to win! Love your stuff.

chinamommy said...

Ooo, i don't like to say OLD friend, so I'll just say I've been a friend for quite a while!! :) Oh, how I would LOVE to win one of these certificates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sallie said...

I'm an old friend and I LOVE that necklace. I have been seeing so many VP necklaces around lately, super proud of this great business!

Jules said...

I would say I am an old friend! Love your stuff and I share your faith in God!!! :)

Sarah said...

I have been coveting your things for over a year now but have yet to get anyone to gift such a treasuer as one of your necklaces... I'll just have to buy it myself with a giftcard I KNOW I can win! Pick me!!!

Sara K. said...

I have seen your items online for several months now, but just haven't had the extra funds to indulge myself. But this is the first time I have visited your blog. LOVE your stuff!

Jodi said...

I want to win a $50 gift certificate!

Tami said...

I have been "browsing" your site all week wanting to buy something. We adopted three sweet kids from foster care yesterday and I would LOVE to have a necklace with my family's initials.

Kayla said...

I'm a new friend, but happy to be sent your way!

Sarah said...


Jodi said...


thearthurz said...

Old Friend! LOVE your necklaces. Pick me, pick me!! :)

Lexie said...

I'm an "old" friend!!
Love the necklace!

Jodi said...

facebooked it by ad!/jodi.bradshawding a link

Lexie said...

I facebooked it!

Melissa said...

I'm a new friend! You necklaces are beautiful!

KSummersPhotography said...

New Friend here! LOVE your stuff...very creative. Would Be thrilled to win!!

sam said...

I have know about you since last November. I was standing in line at Mall of America waiting to get my Pioneer Woman cookbook signed and started talking to the gal in front of me. It turned out to be a friend of yours, she shared the story of how your business boomed after you sent a necklace to PW. I have been stopping by to see what's new ever since.

Laura said...

I am a new friend! I love your stuff, I just checked out the website and WOW!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaways!


Chris said...

Oops, forgot to mention , I am an old admirer , and a new follower to the blog.

OneHappyfamily said...

I am an adoring old friend.

Anonymous said...

I really need some bling! You have such lovely things it would be such a delight to win!

Anonymous said...

I really need some bling! You have such lovely things it would be such a delight to win!

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