Thursday, April 22, 2010

take a bow {winner!} and new shops!

The winner of the gift certificate to Take a Bow Creations etsy shop is:

just me and z, who said: wow, what a great cause. that is truly inspiring and there should be more people in this world that have loving hearts and will open their doors and their arms to children in need. hats off to her and her family!
i love the polka tee, and the patchwork dress. such beautiful creations!

email me!


I have some new shops on my sidebar --------->

Grab a cup of coffee and go shop! Tell me what you love?!?

*would you like your ad over there? email us for details!


Love said...

i missed this, but i love how you support your friends and are such a good cheerleader for people. thank you for that!
hope your family is doing well! =)

Anonymous said...

I just got the #2 bday outfit (with the polka dots) for my little girl (from mimibabies) soooo cute! :)

Celeste said...

Yay for the winner! :)

... I noticed all the new buttons the other day - and enjoyed me some "window shopping" :) ... or should I say "shopping in my pj's"? ;)

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

Wow, thanks Erin, and JENN!! I am honored. :)