Wednesday, March 24, 2010

a taste of summer.

Yesterday mother nature was good to us.

It was 85 degrees.


Perfectly hot.

So we made a run to the ice cream shop.

And Eden got her very own cone.

I ordered her a small...

I think she enjoyed it :)


Mrs Anne said...

i want to put her cuteness in a jar in my pocket.

yay for icecream cones on a hot day!

mommy2luke2008 said...

She looks so cute and proud sitting there eating that all by herself.

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

What a doll!!! Those photos make me smile. My Zoie is 3 1/2 and I just love the toddler stage. Thanks for sharing!

My Trendy Tykes said...

That's a big SMALL! lol

Cute pics and now I want ice cream.

The Cohen's said...

So cute!!! I think I get as much joy from treating my son to ice cream as he does from eating it. :)

Dee said...

Awww!! She's adorable! Could you send me your email addy? I have something for you!

Anonymous said...

Cute pics. I love that bib. Where did you find it or did you make it?

Unknown said...
what a doll face :o)

TLF said...

Too precious!

--Amie-- said...

that is THE CUTEST stinkin thing!!! She looks like she really enjoyed herself!! :)

Karen said...

Haha -- adorable!

Jess said...

First ice cream cones are the best!! She's a doll!

Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea said...

So sweet - what a face!

Anonymous said...

Just adorable!

Pamela said...


Student Entrepreneur said...

How adourable!!!!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! What a doll she is!

Celeste said...

That's a small?! lol!

Eden sure does look quite proud! -- what a treat!

And - isn't warm weather the greatest?! It's been quite warm here lately... loving it!

Mrs. Micek said...

Oh my goodness!! She's adorable!!

Lauren A. Petersen said...

OH. MY. WORD. Everything about that first photo is priceless!!! What a cutie patutie!

Emily said...

What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

That's one happy little girl! She is a doll!

Robin said...

What a sweet ice cream face you have there to look at and cherish!!

Shana Putnam said...

Yep! Looks like a happy kid to me!!

.jimaie.marie. said...

OH MY GOSH!! That grin is to die for! <3

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

She looks very happy!! I am looking forward to 80degree days.

its simple love said...

What a doll! Look at that smile! Oh you have a gorgeous girl.


Elizabeth said...

That baby is such a joy to look at! I know she brightens your days :)

Amanda said...

What a treat for her to get her very own cone!! She is SOOO adorable! And getting so big!

Heather said...

What a cutie!! I love ice cream cone pics. ;) She does look like she thoroughly enjoyed it.

Jessica said...

Eden is getting so BIG!!! Love her cuteness in that last photo!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Precious! They grown up way too fast...brought back so many memories seeing these darling pictures. Sooooo sweet!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness these precious photos made me cry they are so cute!!!!