Thursday, March 31, 2011

happy birthday to me. (BIG giveaway!)

Today is my birthday!
I'm 29...
plus 3.


A few weeks ago,
Tessa asked me what my favorite animal was when I was a little girl.
I told her a panda bear.
This was her gift to me this morning...

Wasn't that thoughtful? (especially for a 6 year old!)

* * *

To celebrate, let's give away some gifts!

I'm giving away a $100 tvp gift certificate
5 lucky readers!!!

Just leave a comment to be entered
and extra entries if you blog it, twitter it, facebook it, etc.
(please leave a separate comment for each).


1 – 200 of 2672   Newer›   Newest»
Jamie said...

How exciting! Happy Birthday!

Brittney @ britandtheboys said...


That is super thoughtful of a 6 year old!! Have a blessed day!

Kristy said...

happy birthday!!!

Chip said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!! What a wonderful present to give away.

Heather said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day spent with the ones you love!


TaDa! Creations said...

Happy birthday Erin! I love it! 29+3 ;)

Jolanthe said...

Wow!!! Count me in. You all have LOTS of lovelies that I would be more than happy to wear. I get so many comments on my necklace from you all and love to pass along your info!

Debbie said...

Happy birthday, Erin! May this new year be filled with many more blessings from the Lord...more than you can count! Have fun celebrating YOU & His goodness to you!

Jolanthe said...

I sent out a tweet for you all too!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Beautiful items!!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful birthday! May you be blessed in every way!

Jenny said...

oh I hope that I get picked :) I would loooove it!

Anonymous said...!/MelissaJ0627
Tweeted the giveaway

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday! It's my b-day next week...29 + 7 ;) Enjoy!!!

Unknown said...

First, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! That was so sweet of your 6 year old. I love your site and the products are so very pretty!

lastnerve2000 @

Anonymous said...

I have posted this giveaway on Facebook.

Corrie said...

Happy Birthday!! Love your present!!
And thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Janine said...

Please enter me! Thanks!

Erin said...

Oh, Happy Birthday!!!! I'd love to win a gift certificate! I was on your site yesterday looking for something for my mom. She has a unique "grandma" name and we never have anything "personalized". I just thought that TVP would be the perfect place to get something for her. Whether I win or not...I wish you all the happiness in the world on this special day!

Anonymous said...

I have tweeted. :)

Rikki said...

happy happy birthday!

Jill Britt said...

Happy birthday! How sweet to do a giveaway for your birthday! I hope I win because I really want one of your fabulous new rings!

Jesica said...

Holy Smokes! Super giveaway! I hope you have a happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday! and that mug is adorable!

Janine said...

Shared on FB! Thank you!

Susie {a.k.a. Mrs V} said...

Pick Me Pick Me! Thanks for sharing your birthday loot with us! My birthday was Monday, and I wasn't nearly so generous!

Jesica said...

I FBooked this giveaway, too!

Dawn said...

Happy Birthday !

Tammy said...

Goodness gracious! What a way to celebrate your birthday! :-) Hope you have a wonderful day and a year filled with God's goodness!

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love everything from the Vintage Pearl!! I could spend my entire paycheck in here!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday! I love your panda mug and I love your jewelery too! ;)

~Shari said...

Ahh !

Happy Happy birthday!

KaseyJane said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you are blessed today as your creativity has blessed so many!

Amanda said...

I would love to win! I have been dying to get one of your pieces!!!

Happy Birthday to you!!

Corrie said...

Shared on my facebook page as well!

Susie {a.k.a. Mrs V} said...

I just tweeted your give-away! @SusieQuips

Cheri said...

Happy birthday! What a sweet little girl you have. :-) Thanks for the chance to maybe win! I've been coveting your pearl earrings since I first saw them...and I'll need a new piece of Mommy jewelry this August!

Bev Cox said...

Happy Birthday and wishing you many, many more!! Love your products. I know have to buy 2 birthday gifts!!!! So......

Janna said...

Happy birthday to you! That is such a sweet present! Would love to win a prize!

kudzukimmy said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your stuff!!! Would be honored to wear and show it off!!!

Sax said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it's a wonderful day. Thank you all for your creativity, amazing work and FABULOUS customer service. Absolutely love The Vintage Pearl!!!

thechattymommy said...

A happy birthday to you,
A happy birthday to you,
Every day of the year,
May you find Jesus near,
A happy birthday to you,
A happy birthday to you,
And the best year you ever had!

Happy Birthday!
I'm 29 plus 3 years too and it has been great!!!!
Have a great day!

Minnie said...

I don't think that my last post actually went through. (so if there's two, I'm sorry, but don't worry, I'll retweet ya!) I hope you have a wonderful Birthday.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you!!

Susan said...

Happy Birthday!! Twittered

Carrie said...

Happy Birthday! I am also 29 (+4)!!! :) I LOVE your jewelry but haven't purchased yet, so I would love to win. I am searching for the perfect mommy necklace to represent my 2 year old triplets.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win - I LURRRRVE your jewelry. And Happy Birthday! :)

Sydney said...

How incredibly generous! Hope you have an amazing birthday - I just hit the big 3-Ohhhh on the 7th =)Enjoy your special day!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Happy Birthday! ♡

The Woolfpack said...

Happy Birthday wishes to you!! May you have a blessed day... and how giving of you on your special day. Love your stuff!

Amanda said...

I shared on my Facebook page :)

Emily said...

Hope you have a very happy birthday!!

Farmer Mama said...

Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day!!

I'd love to win so I can add to my necklace with the name and birthstone of my little one, due in September.

Amy said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Erin!

I would love to win a GC. My little gal is one this week & I need a piece with her name on it! :)

Hope your birthday is fabulous!

Mary said...

Happy Birthday. Love your stuff. I got some for Christmas (earrings and bracelet) and plan to get more.

Christy Peffly said...

Happy birthday to you!! I hope it's the best one yet! Thanks for the chance to win <3

The Woolfpack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I love your work. I just bought a necklace for a friend of mine for her birthday and she loves it. It's beautiful. I can't wait to buy more for my family.

Happy Birthday!

Melissa Spade said...

Happy birthday!

Pandas are my favorite too :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Erin! You have no idea what I would give to win this...I bought my first piece from you about a year ago...and am in love to this very day :) I hope you have a fabulous birthday...I will be facebooking/blogging this link right away! TVP ROCKS!

Janna said...

Facebooking for you too!

Christy Peffly said...

Facebooking the giveaway now! @christy peffly

Bev Cox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrick said...

Happy Birthday to YOU!!
Thank you for having a give-away for your birthday!!
I love my necklace and hope to add more to my collection.

thearthurz said...

Happy birthday!! Love your mug, what a sweetie!! Thanks for the chance! Hope it's a fantastic day! :)

Michelle B said...

Happy birthday... I am also 29 (+3) :) Though I'll be one year older then that this year :(

teacher girl said...

Happy Birthday! You are so talented!!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday! I'm new to your store, thanks to Pioneer Woman, and I love it!

rachel e. said...

Happy 29th (+3) Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! How fun to celebrate with you with a giveaway! :)

Sabrina said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope your day is extra special!! Thanks for the chance to win one of your awesome pieces!!

kerricrane said...

Happy 29 + 3 Birthday!! What a thoughtful 6 year old. Thanks for the giveaway!

emily said...

Happy Birthday Vintage Pearl!!!!

Amber said...

I love your stuff, it's very fun! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Happy Birthday! Mine was yesterday! we are march babies!!

Please holy smokes, enter me into this giveaway! I'm loving this!


Julie said...

Happiest birthday my love!!! You have no idea how many lives you've touched through TVP :)

Kelsi said...

happy birthday!! thanks for giving US gifts on your special day!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted about this! :)

Becky Walding said...

Happy Birthday!! I love this site and your work! Keep up the good work!!

Tabitha Bale said...

Happy Birthday!!! I got a "Z" star for one of my best friends and the birds nest with 3 pearls for my other best friend for their bdays! They were a BIG HIT! LOVE LOVE LOVE your stuff!

Hope that you have an amazing day!

ezbranek said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!! What a sweet little 6-year-old you have. I hope I can raise my two daughters to be that considerate.

Anonymous said...

Facebooked it-check!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Aren't kids precious?!!

maria said...

xo Happy Birthday Erin! xo

mbheart: @thevintagepearl Happy Birthday Erin! :-) xo

Tamara said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for the giveaway.

Tori said...

Happy Birthday! Have a great day!

turfgirl97 said...

Happy happy birthday to you!!!

Here is to a great day and an even better year to follow...

Solstice Mama said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to you!!

Anonymous said...

Blogged it-double check :)

Melissa said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 29 +3 is a great age! :) That's what i will be in a few weeks! I am in love with your jewelry!!! I have wanted some of my own! It is absolutely beautiful!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!! What a sweet & thoughtful little girl you have :)

Cara said...

Happy Birthday! Love your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I Facebooked about this! :)

Tasha B said...

Happy Birthday! So sweet!

~Kristina said...

Wishing you happiness on your birthday!
Thanks for the opportunity at such a generous giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted for sure~! @dreamerklc

Chelsea Ray said...

Happy Happy Birthday! I hope this is your best year yet!

Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Sent out a tweet for your Bday love!

fiftycentlove said...


Tamara said...

I shared this on facebook!!/permalink.php?story_fbid=191293950911872&id=683373576

Lindzie said...

Shouldn't we be giving you gifts?? :) Happy birthday! :) Thanks for sharing your day with us

Anonymous said...

...and last but not least, tweeted it-CHECK! Happy Birthday (again).

Jennie said...

Happy birthday and thank you for the giveaway! I am a big fan of your work, currently awaiting my first order. :o)


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! What a nice thing to do on your birthday, give and receive!

Suzanne Slagell said...

Happy Birthday!

erinb80 said...

What a sweet gift! Happy birthday and thanks for the generous giveaway! I'm expecting my 4th (and last) baby this fall and would love a beautiful TVP necklace. :)

Dakata said...

Happy Birthday! I LOVE your jewelry!

Julie Frank said...

I shared this giveaway on Facebook

Patti said...


Colton Fisher said...

"The meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." -Nelson Henderson

Happy Birthday!

Susie {a.k.a. Mrs V} said...

Thanks Erin! I hope your birthday is incredible. I just posted your give away on my business page wall
Thanks again . . . p.s. Pick Me!

Lindzie said...

Shared on facebook!

Unknown said...


Suzanne Slagell said...

Happy Birthday again! (I tweeted)

Diane said...

Happy Birthday!!

Diane said...


Patrick said...

Just tweeted it!!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy your fantastic day!
I would love to win, I have been eyeing a couple items so this would make the decision easier, all of them!!!

Diana said...

We are the same age!!! 29 +3 is the bestage :) LOL Have a Happy Birthday!

Jean Marie said...

OhmyGOODNESS!!! what a giveaway! that panda bear mug is ADORABLE....and definitely a sweet gift from a 6yr. old. :)

Happy Birthday!

brenparker said...

Have a wonderful birthday!!

Unknown said...

Happy, Happy, Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Diane said...


Star said...

Happy 29 + 3!!! You clever lady!

I would love to get my mother a gift from here for mother's day. Since becoming a mom myself, I love, respect and appreciate her so much more! Enjoy your special day!

Diana said...

Happy Birthday on facebook too!!!

Melissa said...

HAPPY Birthday! I also facebooked this giveaway! 29 +3 is a great age! I will be the same in about 4 weeks!

Anonymous said...

...don't know if this counts, but I also "suggested" your FB page to all of my 516 friends :)

OK...I'm finished now!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday!! We are expecting our first child and I would love to get a necklace with her name on it!

Liz said...

happy happy birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have the best day ever!
The panda mug your little one gave you is so cute! It's wonderful how our little one's surprise us like that sometimes! Melts my heart!

Emily Warwick said...

Oh man! I would LOVE this! :)

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day!

Anna said...

Happy Birthday! Love your jewelery.

Cait said...

Happy Birthday to you! Thank you for the giveaway :)

H is for Hillman said...

Happy Birthday! Hoping to win so I can snag my hubby a spinner ring for his birthday, he will be 29 + 5 soon! :)

Mommyduckof3 said...

Happy birthday Erin! Lord bless you.

Mrs. H said...

Googly moogly! That is some birthday gift to your readers! Have an amazing birthday!!

Dakata said...

I shared this on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your lovely gift!!

Julie Frank said...

I Tweeted about this giveaway

April said...

Happy birthday!!!! I just love your site and think it is amazing that you do these giveaways especially on YOUR birthday! :)

Maddie said...

Happy Birthday! My birthday is next Wednesday, so this would be a great present! :D

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to you!!

Kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Heather said...

Posted on FB too... Everyone should get to see your beautiful creations! :)

Ashley Bolof said...

Shared on facebook! :)

Rae... said...

Yay for birthdays!

Sydney said...

I also tweeted about it (sszumski)

Emma said...

I would love to be entered please, happy birthday :)

Mommyduckof3 said...

I retweeted about you giveaway. Have a great birthday.

erinb80 said...

I shared it on Facebook - my ID is Erin Ford Becker. :)

Susan said...

Love, love, love The Vintage Pearl! I wear it every day! Hope you have a great birthday!

Emily Warwick said...

I tweeted it! :)

Kirstin said...

oooohh how exciting!!! Love your stuff!

KaseyJane said...

Oh Happy Day! (for you and hopefully for me too:) Happy Birthday!

Marie said...

Happy Birthday Erin!!

Kirstin said...

FB'd about it

magali said...

Happy birthday!!! That is sooo sweet of her, I can't wait till my boys get older and they do little things like that. By the way I love all your stuff :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Love your work -- can't wait to see more from tvp!

Jared said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day!!

Marie said...

Happy Birthday Erin!!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday!!

Tricia said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to you!! I have been drooling over your beautiful creations for months last birthday in my 30's is in a couple weeks...please pick me!! :-)

Cait said...

I linked to this blog on my FB account!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I have a March birthday too and would love to win!

Unknown said...

Facebook Friends are on their way over to give you some birthday love too!

Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday!!! What a sweet gift from your daughter!

Shelley said...

Happy Birthday! I'm also 29 + 3... it's a good age :) Thanks so much for the generous giveaway!!

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday!! :) I hope you have a fantastic day!

Brittany Lynn said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Liz said...

I posted a link to the giveaway on facebook! Happy birthday, again!!!!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

well HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i've been 29 for five years :o)

you have a very thoughtful daughter, with a very helpful father---i'd guess!

i would love to celebrate your birthday with a gift certificate! my mom would love one of your pieces, and i'm thinking that to get all the grandchildren on it, we may need two!

Simonsen Family said...

♪♫♪♫ Happy Birthday to YOU ♪♫♪♫

I hope you have a FABULOUS Day ♥

Southern GFCF said...

We hope you have a very happy and blessed birthday.

Marissa said...

Wow Happy Birthday! How incredibly generous. I would love to put this to good use for Mothers Day.

Mrs. H said...

Publicly "shared" your FB message announcing the contest on my FB account...

ezbranek said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy!! I just shared on my facebook page.

Marissa said...

Tweeted It!

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday! I love panda bears!

Marissa said...

Shared on Facebook

Simonsen Family said...

Shared your wonderful giveway on Facebook

Jeanah said...

Happy birthday! Thanks for the giveaway :)

jonesj72 at gmail dot com

Kelly said...

Tweeted it!

Simonsen Family said...

Shared your wonderful giveway on Facebook

Jean Marie said...

and I shared about it on FB!!

angie said...

Happy Birthday!!

I've been crafting (in my mind) what I want to have created! :)

Joni Wiedrich said...

Happy birthday! I'm sure you will keep the panda mug forever. What a neat gift. :)

angie said...

I re-tweeted too ... @angiegillikin!

Mindy said...

Happy Birthday! I just celebrated my 40th and used some of my bday money for a little treat from tvp but there are LOTS more things I would love to get!

Karla said...

how generous! thanks!

Tricia said...

I FB'd too!! Thanks!

Mrs. H said...

Retweeted your tweet on Twitter (hmommy). This contest is HUGE, thanks!!

tara said...

Happy Birthday! I turned 29 yesterday. Plus three as well. I would love a giftcard for my birthday!

April Leigh Rinner said...

Happy Birthday!! Thank you for this opportunity to win! I love your work!

The Albrecht's said...

Happy Birthday! Hope your day is blessed and may God give you many many more years to come!

MichelleL said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jacki said...

Happy happy birthday! What a sweet gift from Tessa - and sweet giveaway from you! :)

Southern GFCF said...

FB'd it. :)

Vicki May Thorne said...

Happy Birthday! Glad The Pioneer Woman linked to you, love to know about & support local Okies!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! That mug is so cute.

Rachel said...

Happy happy birthday! That was so sweet of your little girl. Hope your day is filled with blessings abs memories galore!

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